Purple coral pea - first time I have seen this on our place, and it's quite a big, sturdy bush. It's interesting to see what a difference the constant rain over the past 18 months has made. Plants such as this have emerged, and others, such as the lace flower, seem to have almost disappeared.

Another new one I haven't seen before, growing in the middle of the track. A very bright red - hard to miss. Running Postman!

Creeping Bossiaea, which has spread considerably.

Everywhere we walk, there are literally huge beds of these tiny Ivy-Leafed Violets. In the past there have been plants here and there. Now it has erupted into a virtual ground cover plant.
Again, on the other hand, the Blue Pincushions are hardly to be seen.

And of course the bracken continues to thrive and grow, in some places above my head. I'd like to cut the lot down, but also recognise that it creates cover for small animals as well as havens for finches and wrens.