Sunday, May 17, 2015

Trail camera now in operation!

This is the third place we have tried out our new trail camera (for wildlife - motion-activated day and night). This time we got some action!

 Lots of feeding going on and not just at dusk or sunrise.

More feeding and then...

Somebody got inquisitive! The frames just before this showed fur on the right-hand side. It would seem that the camera clicking maybe made this one look closer? It just cracked me up.

And then it takes off - clearly decided it didn't like the experience. The camera is currently set to take three photos in a few seconds, then wait at least 30 seconds for the next activation.

I am hoping we will eventually see the wombat. Night photos have so far been pretty poor - anything that makes it click is too far away to be more than a faint blur. I live in hope!
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